
Comune di Genova

Genoa is a city of 578.000 inhabitants, the capital of the metropolitan city and of Liguria Region, it is the largest municipality in the region, the sixth Italian municipality and third in northern Italy by population.

Part of a vast metropolitan area of ​​over 1.500.000 inhabitants, the city is part of the Milan-Turin-Genoa industrial triangle and is one of largest and most important ports in Italy.

City extension is about 240 km² with a high population density in the central area (276,000 inhabitants in 28 km²) and the urban road network is 1.400 km long. Genova urban area is also an important node of Rhine - Alpine corridor.

The Mobility and Transport Department of Genoa Municipality has been dealing with European programme to implement innovative transport and solutions for the environmental sustainability of mobility and transport systems.

The Mobility Projects Office participated in a lot of European initiatives, CIVITAS program (Caravel and Civinet projects), Interreg Europe (Demo-EC project), Life, Horizon, 6th and 7th Framework (Democritos a Move Us project), CEF program (Raise-IT project), Italy-France Maritime Cross-border OP (LOSE and 3i+ projects) in order to implement and support sustainable mobility about different issues.

University of Genoa - Department of Naval, Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering (DITEN)  

The Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering and Naval Architecture Department (DITEN) is a division of the University of Genoa with the objectives, aims, rights and duties of a public entity. DITEN carries out educational activities as well as scientific activities, by promoting and supporting research work conducted by teaching staff. Multidisciplinarity is key to all activities of DITEN, through the promotion of cross-disciplinary research topics and projects. In the field of Electrical Engineering subjects covered by DITEN, through a continuous improvement approach, researchers with “Electric Unit”, work to facilitate the use of and knowledge about technology. Their main objective is to bridge the digital divide between those who have the skills and intellectual abilities and economic and environmental resources to use and benefit from new technology and those who have no access to such technologies and no skills to make use of them. Clearly enough, in order to achieve these goals, a wide range of different research themes must be covered, working interactively with the colleagues of the other DITEN’s Poli, and promoting a practical cross-disciplinary team approach. The mission of “Electric Unit”, shared with the other DITEN’s Units, is thus to develop and transfer knowledge, through research, education, and consulting activities, in some key sectors of modern society, and, more specifically, in the Energy, Automation and Transport industries.
The Department covers the following scientific disciplinary areas:

Naval Architecture; Ship and offshore structures and Marine Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Converters, Electrical Machines and Drives; Electrical Systems for Energy; Electronics; Electromagnetic Fields, Telecommunications; Electrical and Electronic Measurements

AlgoWatt fornisce sistemi di gestione e controllo che integrano dispositivi, reti, software e servizi con una chiara focalizzazione settoriale: digital energy e utilities, smart cities & enterprises e green mobility.
AlgoWatt è nata dalla fusione di TerniEnergia, azienda leader nel settore delle energie rinnovabili e dell’industria ambientale, e di Softeco, un provider di soluzioni IT con oltre 40 anni di esperienza per i clienti che operano nei settori dell’energia, dell’industria e dei trasporti. 

L'area dei trasporti e della mobilità’ urbana occupa una posizione significativa nel mercato di riferimento della società. Algowatt investe da circa 40 anni significative risorse nella ricerca di soluzioni di frontiera per la smart e green mobility e nello sviluppo e potenziamento di una linea di soluzioni e prodotti che vantano una consolidata presenza in questo segmento.

Nell'ambito dei trasporti intelligenti e della mobilità sostenibile, Algowatt possiede una solida esperienza nello sviluppo e nell'implementazione dei complessi sistemi per la gestione intelligente ed efficiente della mobilità delle persone e delle merci e per la gestione delle infrastrutture tecnologiche operanti sul territorio. Le soluzioni ICT offerte comprendono piattaforme e servizi per la gestione, pianificazione e fruizione di una mobilità intermodale, integrando trasporto pubblico locale, fisso e a chiamata, flotte pubbliche, private o condivise, soccorso stradale e terminal portuali.

Tutte le soluzioni sviluppate da Algowatt nel settore della Green mobility beneficiano di una forte interazione tra la Business Unit Mobilità e Trasporti, che costituisce la divisione operativa nel mercato dei sistemi e delle soluzioni per la gestione della mobilità, e la divisione Ricerca e Innovazione, che partecipa a e sviluppa progetti di ricerca in ambito internazionale e nazionale con circa 100 progetti nel corso degli ultimi vent'anni. Molte delle soluzioni realizzate nascono da un investimento in partecipazione ad iniziative di ricerca e innovazione a livello Europeo, nazionale e regionale.

 Istituto Internazionale delle Comunicazioni 

IIC - Istituto Internazionale delle Comunicazioni , founded in Genoa in 1962 by local Institutions (City, University, National Council of Research, Port Authority, Chamber of Commerce), financial Institutions and private companies, is a no-profit association acknowledged by Italian Republic President Decree.

The primary aim of IIC is to develop research, study and diffusion of the scientific culture in the broad field of communications - both telecommunications and transports of passengers, goods and information - and their reciprocal relations, promoting and supporting the progress of communications by different means: studies, training, scientific support to its members and cooperation with universities, organization of conferences and events.          

Logistics and Transport Sector has a particular importance in the local territorial context, being Genoa a crucial logistic node in the National and European framework, mainly due to the simultaneous presence of the port and local important industries, connected to Central Europe through Rhine Alpine Corridor, characterized by a strong integration among the city and the industrial and port areas within a very specific orographic configuration between sea and hills.

For this reason, and to the presence within IIC associated members of important actors of the logistic chain, the Institute has been very active in the last decade in Logistics & Transport sector, through the development of studies covering economical, social and technical aspects, focused on the national and international interactions and on the local territorial impact.

Especially in the last decade, IIC participated actively in many projects, most of them of European relevance, often within important consortia comprehending relevant partners at institutional, academic and industrial level, acquiring a strong specific experience in the context.